This week we've collected 11 examples of Twitch panels that look super sleek and easy to read. Within the text you can use the Twitch editing language – Markdown. It definitely isn't rocket science on how to implement panels. Using panels allows you to supplement the viewing experience with more content and more info about you! Simple Donate Twitch Panel Template Every Twitch streamer needs a donate panel so that your viewers can easily find out how to donate and support the channel. This is excellent opportunity for you to tell you viewers a lot more about you.Ĭonsidering when someone jumps into the stream for the first time, they may not catch you at your greatest moment or the stream could be a little slow. Now in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, Twitch allows broadcasters to put an unlimited amount of info panels below the live video portion of the screen on their channel page.
I will even jump out of theater mode just to see what sort of info they are placing in their panel section. Whenever I come across a new streamer I always scroll down to read their info panels and immediately it tells me how serious they are about streaming. I've been browsing a LOT of twitch streams lately.